What Is a Cascading Strategy?

When a business wants to implement new changes on all levels of the organization, they must develop a strong cascading strategy. A cascading strategy is where strategic planning meets business alignment. Floro Business Strategies explains what a cascading strategy is and how to implement one effectively:
What is a cascading strategy?
A cascading strategy is the process of developing a strategic plan and implementing this plan on all levels of the organization. This involves identifying organizational objectives and reevaluating responsibilities and task delegation to ensure everyone is working toward the same goal. This may require management to adjust performance expectations for seamless business alignment.
How to implement a cascading strategy
To successfully initiate change, you must communicate. What does this communication sound like? In a cascading strategic plan, you are reiterating the organization’s vision and values, outlining areas of focus, explaining necessary changes, and sharing a timeline for alignment so teams have direction.
Once you have communicated your strategic plan, you must offer guidance. With departmental changes comes an adjustment period. The best way to ensure teams are clear on expectations and understand how to follow through is to develop guidelines or routines for day-to-day operations. Strategic plans require specific, intentional action — so be specific and intentional in your instructions.
Once teams are well-acquainted with shifts in responsibilities and goals, you can begin tracking each team’s progress. Establish KPIs to measure the success of your efforts. In addition to regular communication, data-driven analysis will provide insights on what’s working and what’s not and support you in restrategizing (if necessary).
Is the market shifting in your industry? Ready to make some organizational changes but not sure where to begin? The professionals at Floro Business Strategies are ready to assist you with business alignment and strategic planning! Schedule a consultation with one of our professionals today.
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